Cape Town Hunting areas offer infinite variety; from Mountain Fynbos to Coastal Renosterveld; Spekboom Thickets to Grassy Fynbos; Succulent Karroo to Mountainous Valleys.
Stalking in these areas is extremely challenging. The numerous game birds and waterfowl will give your position away at any moment. You will experience the extraordinary ability of game to sense an intruder in their midst. Ostrich has an uncanny knack of spotting an interloper miles away, and will hurtle straight towards the hunted quarry. With a flick of a tail and crashing sound, your target will disappear through bush, over a mountain, into a dense valley.
Hear the early morning call of a Grey Wing partridge or the bark of a male Baboon, all these forge a lifetime of memories as you appreciate nature at its best.
Cape Town is in the Western Cape of South Africa
A Hunting Safari from Cape Town will present you with experiences, seen nowhere else in the world.
And the proximity to Cape Town International Airport makes all traveling very accessible.