Trophy Hunting Price Packages – South Africa

What is Trophy hunting?

Trophy hunting is hunting of wild animals as trophies, with the whole or parts of the hunted animal kept and usually displayed to represent the success of the hunter. The preferred target animal, known as the game, is typically a large or impressively ornamented male, such as one having large horns or antlers.

Trophy Hunting Price Packages in South Africa

We offer the following species as trophies. Hunting in South Africa. All prices are US $

  • Eland Bull …………… $2000.00
  • Cape Eland Female …………… $750.00
  • Common Springbuck ……………. $360.00
  • Black Springbuck ……………. $450.00
  • Bontebok …………… $1800.00
  • Gemsbok (Oryx) …………… $1200.00
  • Cape Red Hartebeest …………… $1200.00
  • Blue Wildebeest …………… $1100.00
  • Black Wildebeest …………… $1100.00
  • Cape Grysbok *Permit Required …………… $1500.00
  • Grey Rhebuck (Vaal Rhebuck)…………… $1800.00
  • Steenbok ……………. $450.00
  • Common Duiker ……………. $400.00
  • Fallow Deer ……………. $850.00
  • Kudu …………… $1400.00
  • Caracal …………… $1000.00
  • Ostrich ……………. $250.00
  • Blesbuck ……………. $400.00
  • Chacma Baboon ……………. $200.00
  • Barbary Sheep …………… $2000.00