African Hunting Safaris Wildlife Photo Gallery

Browse our Company – Guided Hunts photo gallery, where you will find a wide range of African wildlife photos

Join Guided Hunts today for an African Hunting Safari

Whether you are interested in hunting a member of the ‘Big Five’ or the plains game of Africa, a hunting safari in South Africa, Zimbabwe or Namibia is sure to be a thrilling experience. We offer quality hunting safaris accompanied by experienced professional hunters.

Brown Hooded King Fisher 1 035
Barbary Sheep 001
Jeaneke Face Paint 047
Vaal Rhe Buck In Thatch
Egyptian Goose Shoot 080
Common Reedbuck Ram Guided Hunt Trip
Mick Dalton 038
Cape Eland On The Fringe Of A Thicket
Eben Eland 028
Eland Herd In An Opening
Vaal Rhebuck On A Slope
Buffalo On A Flood Plain In Zimbabwe Africa Hunt
Bushbuck 020
Jeaneke Face Paint 048
Eland Bull In Fynbos
Vaal Rhebuck Guided Hunt In The Overberg (2)
Fallow Stag In Rut With His Herd Of Does
Avocet 025
Avocet 003
Colins 80th 044
Avocet 016
Fallow Deer Stag In The Rut

African Hunting Safaris

Hunting Safaris in South Africa and around Cape Town are personalised to suit your individual requirements. You may be a discerning collector of trophy animals or a hunter wanting to share the full safari experience with your family. Each and every safari is different, and I make every effort to fulfill your dreams.

Hunting In Namibia

Spotting and Stalking a Huge Kudu Bull as we weaves his way through the scrub as you catch glimpses of his long Spiralled horns protruding through the tops of Bush is an experience that will not be forgotten.  Listen to the call of the Black backed Jackal and the nightjar or all most Typical sounds of Africa

Wing Shooting Safari

World Class Pigeon Shooting – (Argentina in South Africa) – Shooting takes place over sunflower and sorghum and Millet fields. The best time for the shooting is mid-April to Mid June, which is before and during the harvest of the crops. The Birds fly throughout the day at varying heights.

“The best thing about hunting and fishing,’ the Old Man said, ‘is that you don’t have to actually do it to enjoy it. You can go to bed every night thinking about how much fun you had twenty years ago, and it all comes back clear as moonlight.”

– Robert Ruark –


Western Cape

South Africa


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+27(0)79 359 4649

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+27(0)79 359 4649